Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hello, 21!

Whooaaa.. I don't believe I'm this old. I'm officially 21 now and I would be in trouble if I still act like a kid.

I got a-happy-birthday call from my sister, a lot of wishes from my friends, and morning kiss from mom and dad. This birthday girl is sooooo happy right now and I want to share this happiness with all of you. :)

Thank you for all the wishes. I read and replied all of them gladly, both in twitter, facebook, and messages. I really appreciate this and feel incredibly happy by the kindness coming from all these wonderful people. Gue aminkan semua doa yang kalian tulis, dan gue harap semua kebaikan itu berbalik juga untuk kalian. Amin.

Friday, March 22, 2013

No Charge For Love

Hey, did you notice that Facebook has a new timeline design? Facebook timeline has two columns now. Your events, status, wallposts, and recent activities are now in right column, while your recently apps are in left. Daaaaaan, gara-gara tampilan facebook yang baru ini semua status dan notes galau yang pernah gue tulis dari jaman SMA muncul ke permukaan lagi. T.T *air matanya berlinang* *mas intan yang kau kenaaang*

Ehm. Dari sekian banyak notes galau itu, ada satu note yang bikin gue sedih lagi pas baca. Note ini gue salin dari buku Interlanguage Kelas XI dengan penerjemahan sendiri. Cerita ini terkenal banget, tentang Boy, Farmer, and Little Puppy. Bagi yang udah pernah baca, mungkin ini bisa jadi sweet nostalgic story buat kalian. :)

 "No Charge For Love"
Suatu hari, terdapat seorang lelaki tua yang mempunyai sepuluh ekor anak anjing. Dia berniat menjual beberapa anak anjing itu. Karena belum ada orang yang berminat pada anak anjingnya, akhirnya ia memasang iklan di sepanjang jalan menuju rumahnya, mencari tuan baru bagi anjing-anjingnya.

Ketika dia memasang iklan terakhir, tiba-tiba seorang anak kecil datang dan menarik-narik celananya. “Pak,” kata anak itu. “Aku ingin membeli seekor anak anjingmu.”
Anak itu merogoh ke sakunya, mengambil beberapa koin uang, lalu menghitungnya. “Uangku hanya 39 sen. Apakah ini cukup untuk membeli anak anjingmu?”

“Tentu.” Jawab sang lelaki tua sambil tersenyum.

Lelaki tua itu menuju rumahnya, diikuti oleh si anak kecil. Sesampainya di rumah, ia memanggil kesepuluh anak anjingnya. Satu per satu anak anjing keluar dari dalam kandang. Mata anak itu berbinar senang melihat anak anjing yang berlarian dan saling mengejar dari balik pagar. Kemudian, anak anjing terakhir keluar dari kandang sambil berjalan tertatih-tatih. Ia mencoba berlari seperti anjing lain, namun tidak bisa. Badannya lebih kecil, dan ia tampak berbeda dari kesembilan anjing lain. Mata si anak langsung tertuju pada anak anjing itu. “Aku mau yang itu, Pak.”

Mendengar ucapannya, lelaki tua berjongkok dan mengelus kepala anak itu. “Nak, kamu tidak akan menginginkan anak anjing itu. Dia tidak akan bisa berlari dan bermain bersamamu seperti anjing lain karena dia cacat.”

Anak itu pun tersenyum. Dia duduk, lalu menggulung lengan celananya. Dari dalam celananya, ia mengeluarkan sepasang besi yang menyangga kedua kakinya. Ia menatap lelaki tua itu dan berkata, “Kau lihat, Sir, aku juga tidak bisa berlari dengan baik, bahkan berjalan pun terasa sulit bagiku. Kurasa anak anjing itu membutuhkan seseorang yang bisa mengerti dirinya.”

Tak terasa, air mata sang lelaki menetes. Ia mengambil anjingnya lalu menyerahkan pada anak kecil itu.

“Berapa harganya, Pak?” anak itu bertanya

“Gratis.” Jawab sang lelaki. “Tidak ada harga untuk sebuah cinta.”

How I love melancholic story. Dengan banyak baca cerita-cerita emosional kayak gini secara gak langsung melatih emosi kita untuk bersikap empati terhadap orang lain. Dan yang lebih penting lagi kita bisa mengambil moral value dari cerita itu supaya kita belajar dan jadi lebih peka terhadap hal-hal di sekitar. :)

#HidupCeritaSedih !

Sunday, March 17, 2013

What Girls Should Do

As I mentioned in my previous post, I found myself drowning in task since the 6th semester started. I sleep late alomost everyday and wake up early even in weekend. I didn't even get the chance to watch my favorite serials—Glee and Running Man—that lying around to be watched. Huhu.

I should get some relax before I'm actually going crazy (for heaven's sake, no! ><). I'm glad that God hear my sincere pray, so He sent Reni and Oktina to save me from this stressful day. I definitely said yes and there we went, Plaza Surabaya.

We had dinner at some Japanese restaurant and shared stories while waiting for the meals. We had a chit-chat, gossips, and the more important is we fullfilled our belly. Shortly after eating, we went to clothes store. Reni bought a pretty skirt and Oktina got a jeans. I didn't know whether it's their favorite colour, because they chose blue out of others.

Our hang-out time ended with ice creams. Yeay. 

  as sweet as friendship

The next day I polished my nails with cheap nail polish I bought from Strawberry for around IDR 5-10 :)). It turns my nails pretty too. Well, I think to be nice and pretty isn't always expensive, right? Btw I bought one from Oriflame too, but I haven't try this. So I will just post my photos with Pokari and Mukka from Strawberry. 

 pink and glitter

 it will turns into purple gold under the sun

 I order it from Oriflame, but the package has yet to come. :(

Maybe this is what girls should do. Hanging out with friends, telling stories, eating delicious food, polishing nail, smiling at everyone they meet, and plenty of things I have yet to complete. It got me thinking about things I want to experience, so I will make sure to write a wish-list after this. It doesn't matter if I write unproductive thing like watching Running Man all day, as John Lennon said, "time you enjoy wasted, was not wasted." And I enjoyed that. :)

You should try writing your wish too ;). Thinking carefully about things you want to do or achieve, write with your favorite pen, then paste it on your wall. I wish someday your wish is not just a wish anymore. :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Slow Down, Baby.

The rempongest semester has finally come to me. I call it ‘the rempongest’ since ALL lecturers and professors give us homeworks which need to be done in the same week. Yes, All of them. I swear it really drives me crazy. Lack of sleep, skip breakfast, and a mess room are constantly keeping my body in high stress levelit’s so annoying. The only good thing is it gets me motivated to be lecturer in the future, so I can treat my students the same. Lol, you know I’m just kidding, no? :p. 

Panda eyestask after effect
In the moment like this I wish time would stop so I can do them in normal speed—no need to use my power of kepepet, because I know that doing things in such a rush isn’t good. Sometimes it does finish everything, but it just.. so-so. Doing things too fast can result in lower quality of my work, but I have no choice instead of pushing myself to the deadline.

But the first task really exceeds my expectation. The one that satisfy me is Media Promosi Kesehatan. Our team’s hardwork in campaign, performance, and presentation about myopia got positive responds from audiences, include friends and the lecturers. We don't believe it since it's done in a very limited time. But they’re all happy with our efforts and gave us one and two good critics. Alhamdulillah. It pumps my spirit to do my best in the next task. I hope other teams can do better than us. :D

I post some posters we designed in case you’re wondering. :p 

 Poster (before redesign). It's quite horror for 5th grade :))

Comic (the causes of myopia)

Why Upin Ipin? Because our target was 5th grade school children that love Upin Ipin so much. So we design a simple poster according to their favorite cartoon. :))

Btw, have I told you that my blog was having troublesome a few days ago? Some comments were deleted so I couldn’t reply to those. I don’t know how it happenned, I’m sorry ><. But don’t worry, everything has turned alright now. You can ask me or posting comment anytime you want. ^^