Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Review: Caloria

Dulu jaman masih kuliah S1 kayaknya susah nyari tempat di sekitar kampus buat makan atau sekedar hangout bareng temen-temen. Apalagi buat anak Unair C nih, nyari cafe cantik yang lokasinya deket kampus kadang suka bikin garuk-garuk kepala dan akhirnya berujung pada pertanyaan: dimana? Dan karena nyerah ujung-ujungnya ya ke Galaxi Mall juga. Tapi semua berubah sejak boomingnya tren ngafe tipis-tipis di kalangan anak muda/mahasiswa sehingga banyak kafe baru yang bermunculan di sekitar kampus.

Berkat kepo instagram dan tanya temen sana sini akhirnya aku ngajakin Ririz buat nyobain salah satu kafe yang tempatnya deket banget sama kampus. Yak, betul, Caloria.

Ini kafe atau resto (?) sebenernya udah lama tapi entah kenapa baru bisa kesana akhir 2015 kemarin. Begitu nyampe lokasi, aku agak annoyed dengan tempat parkirnya. It was so crowded when I got there. Beberapa mobil sampai ada yang parkir di pinggir jalan karena gak dapet tempat *rolling eyes*.

Begitu masuk kita langsung disambut dua waiter dan langsung dianter ke meja kita. Sempet takjub waktu pertama kali masuk karena dalemnya ternyata luas banget. Tempat ini terdiri dari dua lantai yang kapasitasnya mungkin bisa menampung up to 100 people (or more?). Gak bisa bayangin gimana riweuhnya tempat parkir kalo dua lantai itu penuh --". 

Indoor area (pic from

Outdoor area (pic from

Meja dan kursi ditata rapi dengan banyak pernak pernik unik di dinding dan langit-langit. You can find almost everything in their decorations, from little gear to big teddy bear, from vintage thingy to inspirational quote. Too many spots for selfie!

Say hi to Teddy

Menu di Caloria kebanyakan western food yang difusion gitu, kayak lasagna rendang, pizza balado, dll. Karena penasaran akhirnya aku pesen pizza balado dengan ekpektasi tinggi karena liat gambar di buku menunya yang seems tempting~ 

So here what we ordered:


Pizza Balado

Lupa harganya. Sekitar 75k kalo gak salah inget

After 20 minutes of waiting, my pizza was finally arrived. I could tell that it was freshly baked bcs it's still hot so I decided to take photos first. The mozzarella melted nicely I couldn't wait to put it in my mouth o(*;ω;*)o. 

Okay, let's try. Once I started eating it, I was convinced that it was one of the best pizza they had but then it turned out wrong. Rasanya aneh, bukan seperti rasa balado yang aku bayangin sebelumnya. Dagingnya dikiiit banget, all I could see was sliced eggplant. Yes, eggplant. Terong. Omg. Sorry Caloria, this is the weirdest pizza I've ever eat. *cry*

Aku gak bilang kalo ini gak enak, tapi aneh aja liat ada terong di pizza. Oke, gak salah juga sih karena namanya aja pizza balado tapi tapi tapi kan gak cuma terong aja yang bisa dibikin balado T.T hiks. Dan yang ngerasa ini aneh ternyata gak aku doang. Ririz juga ngerasain hal yang sama. Dia bahkan keliatan udah nyerah di slice pertama wkwk. Seandainya terong ini diganti daging/dendeng/tempe gitu mungkin masih bisa diterima sama lidah kita yang endel ini. Yang aku suka dari pizza ini cuma keju dan crustnya. Crustnya krispi dan gurih, enak dipake nyemil sambil ngobrol-ngobrol. 



Aku pesen Strawberry Lime Squash (28k) dan Ririz pesen Blue Rain Paradise (28k). Strawberry Lime Squashnya warnanya cantik banget, jadi sayang mau ngaduk *lol*. Rasanya seger, ada campuran soda sama mint-mint gitu. Dari 1 sampai 10 skor minuman ini 9! It was definitely the winner.

Overall tempat ini asik buat ngabisin waktu bareng temen-temen sambil selfie atau sekedar ngopi-ngopi cantik. Tempatnya kece, luas, bersih, pelayannya juga ramah. 



Address: Jl. Raya Dharma Husada Indah, Jawa Timur
Opening Hours: Mon-Sun 11.00 - 23.00
Phone: 082257147540 | 031-5997420
Instagram: @caloriasby


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Year-End Trip to Papuma

Can't believe it's already 2016! This past year has been a crazy one and has really flown by. And since it's still January, I'd like to wish you guys a Happy New Year. Let's fill 2016 with more laugh and fun journey! :D

Anw, I finished the year with a trip to some beaches in 3 different cities with my big family from mom's side. We decided to rent a big van car that could accommodate about 17 people altogether and hired a driver so that my dad could rest. Everything was going smoothly beside the hotel thingy. Yes, we hadn't booked hotel because it was so frustrating to find a room during the peak season.

Skip the hotel. Few days later, with a bursting backpack at the seams with clothes, googles, sunglasses, snacks, and other beach essentials, we arrived at the beach. The first beach we visited was Pantai Tanjung Papuma that located in Jember. It took about 1,5 hours by car to reach the beach from my hometown. We arrived around midday so it was hella hot bcs the sun was just right above us. The beach was so packed with people of all ages that seemed to be okay with the heat. I didn't want to just simply sitting under the tree so I left my sandals in the van and tried to walk barefoot on the sand. WORST. DECISION. EVER. It was freaking hot that I felt my skin burning.

I regret to leave you here, dear sandal

I wore my sandal again and put on the sunglasses then headed back to the beach to take more photos with my cousins.

Le cousins

After ate enough sand and took a sip of salt-water taking selfie, we were having lunch by the beach then back to the van to continue our journey bcs Papuma was really hot that day so we left earlier than what we planned before.

I skip the other beaches bcs it will be long post and I'm too lazy to type *lol*. So yeah, I had a reaaaally great holiday especially when it was spent with the ones you love. It sure is a sweet and memorable thing to end 2015.